Nipigon Declares Local Emergency

NIPIGON, ON – The Township of Nipigon has shared the notice quoted below on their website advising a Local Emergency has been declared. Though it states this does not impact the ‘overall operations’ of the Township the public should be aware that March 23, 2020 the Township of Nipigon advised that its Municipal Office is closed to the public and that during this time any payments can be made electronically or by mail. The March 23rd statement also advised that penalties “during this time” would be waived.

The Township of Nipigon has issued a Declaration of Emergency for COVID-19.  This is a precaution in order to access additional resources and funding during this pandemic when and if required.

At this time, the Declaration of Emergency does not impact the overall operations of the Township of Nipigon. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Municipal Office at 887-3135.


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